Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Claddagh Mhor on TV

The Band stopped by WCSH6 in Portland for a brief interview on our trip to the Worlds yesterday, playing a few tunes while we were there. Check it out here:

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Worlds 2019

Well, the Worlds has come and gone. It was a fun trip, and a lot of work. Even though we didn't make it into the qualifiers, the Band made great strides forward while we were over there. By the end of the week, we were producing the best tone I've heard out of any group from our area. I personally picked up some tips on tuning and band setup, and learned a lot from watching the Grade 1 and 2 bands getting ready to go on the field. I'm also planning on taking a page from one particular group, and making a tuning rig out of a toy lightsaber. Whoever came up with that must be both brilliant and nerdy.


Standing a a few feet behind ScottishPower as they got ready to go on, and having someone borrow my sgian dubh to cut a stray fringe off Chris Armstrong's cords:

Also standing a few feet behind SFU:

Visiting Loch Lomond, where my mom's side of the family came from before the rout of Glen Fruin:

Not to mention a good deal of time spent at the National Piping Centre, and listening to good music. Hopefully we go back for another shot at the Worlds in the next couple of years.